CLOUDK Rewards Calculation Formula
Learn how the CloudK Rewards Calculation Formula works in the Homnifi Defi360 ecosystem. Discover key factors behind rewards distribution and tips to maximize your benefits.
Software License Metadata:
For our architecture, each Software License is associated with specific metadata that determines its properties:
Lifetime: This denotes the duration for which the Software License will be valid, measured in days.
Boost Value: A numerical representation, the boost value indicates the additional benefit or bonus that the Software License provides to its holder.
Generational Decline
The unique feature of our Software License architecture is that the inherent properties of these tokens, specifically their lifetime and boost value, decrease over time in a structured manner:
Lifetime Decline: Each Software License starts with an initial lifetime of 1080 days. However, every two weeks, this lifetime decreases by 7 days, leading to a decline in its overall duration.
Boost Value Decline: The boost value of the Software License also experiences a reduction. Beginning with a value of 7, the boost value will decrease by 0.1 every two weeks.
First Generation Software License Promotion:
A special promotion has been designed for early adopters. The first generation of Software Licenses will enjoy an enhanced boost value. Instead of the usual 7, these Software Licenses will have a boost value of 8.
Software License Reward Calculation: Steps and Methodology
Step 1: cLFI Locking
To become eligible for rewards, a user needs to lock a specific amount of tokens associated with their Software License. The details for this are as follows:
Maximum Tokens: An Software License holder can lock tokens up to twice the Euro value of their Software License. Considering each Software License is priced at €100, the maximum amount of tokens that can be locked is €200.
Token: The tokens should be in the form of cLFI tokens.
Lock Duration: Users have 3 options for the locking period - either 12, 24 or Max months.
Upon locking, the system will record a value termed as Base Lock Value (BLV). The BLV is equivalent to the cLFI's Price at Market (PTM) at the time the tokens was locked.
Step 2: Daily Reward Percentage Calculation
The next step involves determining the daily reward percentage a user can retrieve. This percentage is derived from the properties of the Software License the user holds:
Maximum Retrievable Daily Reward %= Boost ValueLifetime
Boost Value is taken from the Software License's metadata.
Lifetime is the current lifetime of the Software License in days.
This formula ensures that the reward percentage is directly influenced by the unique characteristics of each Software License and adjusts based on its generational decline.
Software License Reward Qualification: Determining Disqualifications
Step 3: Token Lock Duration Analysis
The duration for which a user locks their tokens significantly impacts their rewards:
12-Month Lock: If a user has chosen to lock their tokens for 12 months, then 60% of their total rewards are disqualified. This means that the user progresses to the next step with only 40% of the Maximum Retrievable Daily Reward Percentage.
24-Month or Max Lock: For users who've locked their tokens for a 24-month period, no disqualification occurs at this step. The user moves to the next stage with 100% of the Maximum Retrievable Daily Reward Percentage intact.
Step 4: Price at Market (PTM) and Growth Level Price (GLP) Evaluation
This step involves analyzing two critical price points - the current Price at Market (PTM) and the Growth Level Price (GLP). The relationship between these two values determines the reward percentage:
PTM > GLP: If the PTM is greater than the GLP, the Maximum Retrievable Daily Reward Percentage is recalculated as: New Maximum Retrievable Daily Reward Percentage=Maximum Retrievable Daily Reward Percentage*GLP
In this scenario, the formula calculates the disqualified amount based on the PTM's growth over the GLP.
In cases where PTM is less than or equal to GLP, the disqualification percentage will now be computed as PTM/GLP. to refer this calculation check step 5.
Step 5: Adjustment Based on PTM and GLP Relationship
Upon comparing PTM and GLP:
PTM > GLP: If the PTM exceeds GLP, the user advances to the subsequent step without any changes.
PTM ≤ GLP: In cases where PTM is less than or equal to GLP, the disqualification percentage is computed as 1−PTM/GLP. Depending on the resultant value, the percentage of rewards to be disqualified is determined using the table below:
Step 6: Determining Final Reward Percentage
After the adjustments, the resultant percentage is termed the Actual Daily Reward Percentage. This represents the genuine reward percentage that will be released to the user.
Step 7: Calculating cLFI Rewards
The cLFI rewards for the user are calculated using the formula:
cLFI Rewards=Actual Daily Reward Percentage*tokens
Step 8: Withdrawal and Rebuy Allocation
Once the rewards are calculated, they are split into two segments:
Withdrawable Percentage: 60% of the rewards can be withdrawn directly by the user.
Rebuy Percentage: The remaining 40% is allocated for rebuy.
Last updated