How to View Transaction History
View your Homnifi transaction history easily, including deposits, withdrawals, and swaps. Access detailed records, status updates, and export options for efficient wallet management.
The Transaction History feature is accessible from your user's dashboard, specifically from the "My Wallet" page.
Withdraw History
Recent Transactions
Display: The last three withdrawal transactions will be shown.
Attributes: Ensure that the attributes displayed match those shown in the Transaction History section.
View All Transactions
Button: A "View All Transactions" button or link will be provided.
Navigation: Clicking this option will redirect you to the Transaction History page within the Homnifi App.
Transaction Details
Each transaction entry includes the following columns:
ID: A unique identifier for each transaction.
For Deposit: D1234
For Withdraw: W1234
For TopUP: T1234
Date & Time: Timestamp of the transaction showing when it occurred.
Transaction Type:
Total Quantity: The total quantity of cryptocurrency involved in the transaction, including fees.
Transaction Hash: The unique hash associated with the transaction for verification on the blockchain.
If the transaction is internal, the Transaction ID will be displayed in this space.
Status: The status of the transaction (e.g., pending, completed, failed).
Quantity: The specific quantity of cryptocurrency involved in the transaction (e.g., for trade transactions) excluding fees.
Commission: A fixed amount of commission the platform charges for Withdrawal - External transactions.
Fees: Fix the amount of fees charged by the platform.
Address: The wallet address involved in the transaction (e.g., for deposits and withdrawals).
Remarks: Optional remarks or notes related to the transaction.
Types of Transaction
Withdrawal, Deposit, and Swap: You can select the required option to view and download the transaction history. Based on the selection you transaction records will be displayed.
Example Scenario
Viewing Withdrawal Transactions:
Select "Withdrawal" from the transaction type options.
The page will refresh to show only withdrawal transactions.
Review the details such as ID, Date & Time, Total Quantity, Status, etc.
Downloading Withdrawal Transactions:
Click the "Download" button to export the displayed withdrawal transactions.
The file will be saved in CSV format, which you can open with any spreadsheet software for further analysis.
Types of Transaction Status
For any transaction made for top-up or deposit, a status update will be seen on respective pages & transaction history. Status = Pending This status for transactions is seen when the transaction is initiated but not all block confirmations are received from blockchain. The user needs to wait until the status changes to completed and then validate his wallet balance.
Status = Completed
This status for transactions is seen when the transaction is initiated & all block confirmations are received from blockchain. The user needs to perform no further action & hence he can validate his wallet balance . User can apply filter on “Transaction history” page for: 1. Type – Type of transaction i.e. Top-up, Deposit, Withdrawal, All
2. Status – All, Pending, Completed, Failed
Filtering and Sorting
Users can filter transactions based on criteria such as date range, transaction type, and status.
Exporting Transactions
Users can export their wallet transaction history in a downloadable format, such as CSV.
Congratulations! You have successfully explored the Transaction History feature. For further assistance or inquiries, consult our support documentation or contact our customer support team. Happy trading!
Last updated